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From Gineterapia (gyne: woman / therapy: care) - a system developed by the Argentinian journalist and astrologist Monica Giraldes (1950-2018) who lived in Brazil in the called "magic island" of Florianópolis. Gynetherapy (Gineterapia) is a soul trip through the mystery of Being a Woman. It is a path of encounters with feminine wisdom, which takes us from the ancient Matricentric cultures of paleolithic times to the latest discoveries integrating science, arts, philosophy and traditions. It is a system of Integral Care, a set of practices and knowledge, organized as Training Course and Therapeutic Journey with Holistic Transdisciplinary approach. Our Essential Purpose: Caring for the Self and Caring for Life the way a Woman cares.

Suzana receiving her certificate as a "gineterapeuta" from the master and founder Monica Giraldes. Suzana travels abroad facilitating workshops and retreats based on the Gynetherapy over Asia and Europe, in the balance of wisdom, compassion and power.
Prayer of Gynetherapy (women's care)
"And so I follow my path
I allow myself to be Woman.
I rescue my feminine essence
And I set myself free!
I surrender
In consciousness I live my archetypes
I twirl in the eternal cycle of life
As a young girl I am born and reborn
Like a maiden's flower I blossom
As the divine mother I take care of my life
Serene in my wisdom of a crone
I accept my shadows
I bring light to my darkness
I bring brightness in my heart and soul
I honor the power of my uterus
I honor my moon
I honor the Goddess who lives in me.
I honor women who weave the web of life with me.
I flow in the water of my emotions
In the air I fly in my dreams.
I make it happen on Mother Nature’s land
I burn the fire of my power
I am who I am at dawn, at noon, at dusk and nightfall
I greet and respect my history, my walk, my ancestry
I accept my talent
I believe in my wisdom
I share my healing power
I care for the human being
I heal myself
I empower myself under the priestess power
I accept myself on my own mission
And I make of Gratitude my prayer
I honor the sacredness of women
Respect the sacred masculine
And I consecrate the union of feminine and masculine energy flowing in me
I believe in the fluidity of life and
I accept the eternal cycle of being born and dying several times in the same life
I thank the sun and the moon, the universe
I thank Mother Earth
I thank the medicines
I thank the power animals.
I thank the humanity
Awakened in the love and pain of being a woman
I consecrate life and its mystery
I honor the Gynetherapy (Gineterapia)
And I follow my path in the wheel of life filled in the cure for love
And in the balance of wisdom, compassion and power"
❤️Prayer written by my sister and Gynetherapist @analoqueta
Free translation by Suzana Lebrecht